Discover the Timing of Your Child’s Tooth Eruption

January 8, 2024by admin0

Discover the Timing of Your Child's Tooth Eruption

Understanding the Basics:

Every child’s tooth eruption timeline is unique, but there’s a general pattern to follow. The primary teeth, also known as baby teeth, typically begin to emerge around six months of age. By the time your child turns three, they should have a full set of 20 primary teeth. As your child grows, these primary teeth will pave the way for the permanent teeth, starting around the age of six.

Teeth eruption

Breaking Down the Timeline of Child’s Tooth Eruption:

  • Central Incisors (6-10 months): The first set of teeth to make their debut are the central incisors, located in the middle of the bottom jaw. You’ll likely notice these pearly whites appearing between 6 to 10 months.
  • Lateral Incisors (9-13 months): Following the central incisors, the lateral incisors join the party. These teeth, situated next to the central incisors, usually make their appearance between 9 to 13 months.
  • First Molars (13-19 months): The back teeth, known as the first molars, emerge next. Expect them to show up between 13 to 19 months, contributing to your child’s developing chewing abilities.
  • Canines (16-22 months): Canines, the pointed teeth on either side of the lateral incisors, typically arrive between 16 to 22 months. These teeth play a crucial role in biting and tearing food.
  • Second Molars (25-33 months): Completing the set, the second molars make their entrance between 25 to 33 months. These molars, positioned at the back of the mouth, aid in the grinding of food.

Breaking Down the Timeline:

Tooth Type

Timeline (Months)


Central Incisors


The first set, located in the middle of the bottom jaw.
Lateral Incisors


Situated next to the central incisors.
First Molars


Back teeth aiding in developing chewing abilities.


Pointed teeth on either side of the lateral incisors.
Second Molars


Located at the back, aiding in grinding of food.

Factors Influencing Tooth Eruption:

While the mentioned timeline serves as a general guideline, various factors can influence the timing of tooth eruption. Genetics, overall health, and individual differences play a role in how quickly or slowly your child’s teeth come in. Premature babies, for example, may experience delayed tooth eruption compared to full-term babies.

Signs of Teething

As your child’s teeth begin to emerge, you might notice some common signs of teething, including:

  • Irritability: Your little one may become more irritable or fussy as a result of the discomfort associated with teething.
  • Drooling: Increased drooling is a common indicator that teething is underway. Keep those bibs handy!
  • Chewing and Biting: Babies often seek relief by gnawing on objects or biting down. Providing teething toys can offer comfort during this phase.
  • Gum Swelling: Swollen and sensitive gums are typical signs that a tooth is on its way.

Caring for Emerging Teeth:

Proper dental care is crucial from the moment the first tooth arrives. Here are some tips to ensure your child’s dental health:

  • Start Early: Begin cleaning your baby’s gums even before the first tooth emerges. Use a soft, damp cloth to gently wipe the gums after feedings.
  • Brushing Routine: As soon as that first tooth makes an appearance, introduce a small, soft-bristled toothbrush into your child’s routine. Use fluoride toothpaste in a pea-sized amount for children aged three and older.
  • Regular Dental Checkups: Schedule your child’s first dental visit around their first birthday. Regular checkups will help monitor the development of their teeth and address any concerns early on.

By understanding the general timeline and being attentive to your child’s needs, you can make this phase as comfortable as possible.

Brighton Dental Care:

When it comes to your child’s dental needs, rely on Brighton Dental Care for top-notch pediatric dentistry. Our experienced team is attuned to the specific phases of dental development, ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience for your little one. With a focus on personalized and compassionate care, we prioritize your child’s oral health.

Schedule an appointment with us to ensure your child’s dental journey is not only pleasant but also guided by expert hands. At Brighton Dental Care, our commitment is to cultivate enduring smiles through practical and attentive dentistry.


When can I expect my child's first tooth to come in?

Generally, the first tooth, the central incisors, begins to emerge between 6 to 10 months of age. However, every child is unique, and some may start teething earlier or later.

Is it normal for my child's teeth to come in at different times?

Yes, it’s completely normal for teeth to come in at different times. The eruption timeline is a general guide, and variations are common. If you have concerns, consult with a pediatric dentist.

How can I soothe my teething baby?

To alleviate teething discomfort, offer a clean, cool teething ring or a damp cloth for your baby to chew on. You can also gently massage their gums with a clean finger. Avoid using teething gels containing benzocaine without consulting your pediatrician.

What if my child's teeth seem to be coming in crooked?

It’s not uncommon for baby teeth to appear crooked initially. As more teeth emerge, they often shift into proper alignment. If you have persistent concerns about your child’s tooth alignment, consult with a pediatric dentist for guidance.

When should I schedule my child's first dental checkup?

It’s recommended to schedule your child’s first dental visit around their first birthday or when their first tooth emerges. Early checkups help monitor dental development and establish good oral care habits from the start.

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