Invisalign® vs. Braces: How to Select Which One Aligns with Your Teeth?

October 2, 2023by admin0

Invisalign® vs. Braces

How to Select Which One Aligns with Your Teeth?

A confident smile can work wonders, not only for your self-esteem but also for your overall well-being. If you’re considering orthodontic treatment to achieve that perfect smile, you’re in for an exciting journey.

The two most popular options for teeth straightening are Invisalign® and traditional braces. Here we’ll discuss the pros and cons of both options to help you make an informed decision.


Choosing the Right Look

Invisalign®, often dubbed “invisible braces,” lives up to its name. This system uses a series of clear, removable aligners made from medical-grade plastic that gradually shift your teeth into place. Its main attraction is its discreetness (Invisibility). These aligners are nearly invisible when worn, allowing you to maintain a more natural appearance during your orthodontic journey.

Comfort and Convenience

One of Invisalign’s®’s standout features is its comfort. The smooth plastic aligners cause minimal irritation to your cheeks and gums, and there are no wires to poke or brackets to rub against sensitive areas. Additionally, Invisalign allows you to remove the aligners while eating, so you can enjoy your favorite foods without restrictions.

Treatment Duration

The duration of Invisalign® treatment varies depending on the complexity of your case, but it often takes between 12 to 18 months for most patients. You’ll need to wear your aligners for at least 20-22 hours a day for the best results.

Maintenance and Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene with Invisalign is relatively straightforward. Because the aligners can be taken out, you can maintain your regular brushing and flossing routine without any changes. However, you must also clean the aligners regularly to prevent staining and odors.


Invisalign® works great for less complex orthodontic problems. It may not be as effective as traditional braces for severe misalignments or cases that require significant tooth rotation.

Traditional Braces

Choosing the Right Look

Traditional braces, on the other hand, use a network of metal brackets and wires that are affixed to your teeth. While they’ve come a long way in terms of design and look, they’re still more noticeable than Invisalign®. However, Some people view braces as a style statement, adding colorful bands to enhance their appearance.

Comfort and Convenience

Traditional braces may require a bit of adjustment. The initial placement and subsequent tightening of wires can lead to soreness, and you may need to avoid certain foods that can damage your braces. However, advancements in orthodontics have led to smaller and less abrasive braces, making the experience more comfortable than ever before.

Treatment Duration

Traditional braces typically require a longer commitment, often lasting between 18 months to three years, depending on the severity of your misalignment. Regular adjustments at your orthodontist’s office are necessary to maintain progress.

Maintenance and Oral Hygiene

Braces can make oral hygiene a bit more challenging due to the presence of wires and brackets. Specialized tools like floss threaders and interdental brushes may be needed to clean between the wires and around the brackets effectively.


Traditional braces are highly effective for correcting a wide range of dental issues, including severe misalignments, complex bite problems, and tooth rotation.

The choice between Invisalign® and traditional braces at Brighton Dental Care ultimately depends on your unique needs and preferences. Our team is dedicated to providing the best possible orthodontic care to our patients in Rochester, New York.

Whether you choose the understated charm of Invisalign® or the well-established effectiveness of traditional braces, we’re here to support you on your journey to a beautiful, confident smile that can light up any room. Feel free to reach out to us today to book a consultation and start your journey toward a more confident and brighter smile!!


Below are some of the most frequently asked questions when making a choice between Invisalign® & Traditional Braces

1. Are traditional braces better than Invisalign®?

Both traditional braces and Invisalign® have their own advantages and disadvantages. The choice depends on your specific dental needs and personal preferences.

2. Do dentists prefer Invisalign® or Braces?

Dentists and orthodontists don’t necessarily prefer one over the other. They recommend treatment options based on the individual patient’s needs and goals.

3. Why choose Invisalign® over traditional braces?

Invisalign® offers benefits like discretion, comfort, and the ability to remove the aligners while eating. It’s a popular choice for those who want a less visible orthodontic treatment.

4. Is Invisalign® as accurate as braces?

Invisalign® can be highly accurate for many cases, but traditional braces might be more effective for complex or severe orthodontic issues. Your orthodontist will look at your individual case.

5. How does Invisalign® work?

Invisalign® uses a collection of clear, removable aligners to gently guide your teeth into the desired position. You wear each set of aligners for a specified period, typically two weeks, before switching to the next set.

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